Maryland Disc Institute
Changing lives one spine at a time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to see results after undergoing spinal decompression treatment?
Most patients report a reduction in pain after the first few sessions. Typically, significant improvement is obtained by the second week of treatment.
How long does it take to complete Spinal Decompression treatment?
The purpose of our intensive evaluation is to construct a program that incorporates the best combination of modalities to heal in the least amount of time. Typically, this process takes 4 to 8 weeks of care. Results are key to ongoing treatment.
Are there any side effects to the treatment?
Most patients do not experience any side effects. Though, there have been some mild cases of soreness for a short period of time (24- 48 hours).
Is there any risk to the patient during treatment on Spinal Decompression?
NO. Spinal Decompression is totally safe and comfortable for all subjects. The system has emergency stop switches for both the patient and the operator. These switches (a requirement of the FDA) terminate the treatment immediately thereby avoiding any injuries.

How does Spinal Decompression separate each vertebra and allow for decompression at a specific level?
Decompression is achieved by using a specific combination of spinal positioning and varying the degree and intensity of force. The key to producing this decompression is the gentle pull that is created by a logarithmic curve. When distractive forces are generated on a logarithmic curve the typical proprioceptor response is avoided. Avoiding this response allows decompression to occur at the targeted area.
Who is a candidate for Spinal Decompression?
Anyone who has been told they need surgery but wishes to avoid it or the time missed from work, anyone who has been told there is nothing more available to help, anyone who failed to significantly respond to conservative options (medications, physical therapy, injections, chiropractic, acupuncture), or anyone who still has pain but wishes to explore effective non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical options. No needles, no drugs!
Who is not a candidate for Spinal Decompression?
The following conditions are contraindicated for decompression therapy: Aneurysm, spinal cancer, and previous surgical spinal fusion.